Probably you have heard that Vitamin D3 is important for our health. Why Vitamin D3 is needed? How much Vitamin D3 per day? Who should take Vitamin D3? Which vitamin D3 is best? Get answers:
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin of which intake can be provided by properly selected and good quality food and also can be produced in the skin - as our body synthesizes it from the UVB rays of the sun. 15-20 minutes, daily sunbathing – without using sun protection creams – may provide adequate amount vitamin D for everyone. Unfortunately it is only correct in certain periods of the year and only before 11 or after 15 o’clock, avoiding the critical radiation level and the limbs, shoulders, head has to be unclothed.
Why do I need vitamin D?
✔ it helps to absorb calcium from the diet;
✔ it participates in the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth already from foetal life into old age;
✔ it has a paramount importance in the development of healthy bones and teeth which has a crucial significance in fetal life.
✔ it is necessary for children and young kids to reach the normal bone density and structure, for adults to keep it, for elderly people – to stop loosing it;
✔ it supports the work of muscles;
✔ it plays a key role in the functioning of the immune system, as well as in combating flu.
✔ it helps reducing the autoimmune inflammations;
✔ it reduces the risk of development of several forms of tumours (colon, breast, prostate);
✔ it may protect against both types of diabetes;
✔ it can reduce the senile dementia, the multiple sclerosis, various mental illnesses, as for example depression.
The level of vitamin D of the foetus depends on the mother. If the Mom does not consume enough, it may have many negative consequences for the developing baby as it may contribute to the development of: insufficient foetal growth (reduced bone mass, rickets, growth retardation), Diabetes Type I., slower development of the nervous system, bipolar disorders, multiple scleroses (MS), cancerous diseases. After pregnancy, mothers (and babies) need to be further supplied with extra vitamin D because the mother milk normally does not contain enough of it.
In adults low levels of vitamin D have been linked to a greater risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease. It’s still not clear whether boosting vitamin D will reduce heart risks and how much vitamin D is needed. Adding vitamin D to a calorie-restricted diet may help overweight people with low vitamin D levels lose weight more easily. Most people don’t notice the vitamin D deficiency but the lacking long term can cause: all the previously mentioned health problems, soft bones (osteomalicia), bone pain, muscle weakness, in children: can lead to rickets and symptoms of soft bones, skeletal problems.
Do I get enough?
Answer following questions:
✘ Are you living an “indoor life- style”?
✘ Are your pregnant or breast – feeding?
✘ Are you overweight?
✘ Do you have sun allergy?
✘ Are you vegetarian?
✘ Do you have milk allergy or lactose intolerance?
✘ Are you above 50?
✘ Don’t you like fish or diary products?
✘ Are you in or after menopause?
✘ Do you have tinted skin type?
✘ Do you have fat absorption disorder?
Do you have at least 1 „YES” answer? It is time to think about your extra vitamin D intake!
The suggested intake for healthy adults is between 1500 – 1200 IU (37,5 – 50 µm)/day. To provide this intake you should eat every day:
✔ Egg: 28-33 pieces!
✔ Chicken liver: 1.92 – 2.3 kilogram!
✔ Milk: 2,44 - 2,93 litre!
✔ Feta cheese: 6,25 – 7,5 kilogram!
✔ Salmon: 250- 300 gram!
Do you still think you get enough? Only winter time? Only when you don’t eat properly selected food? Sorry, but you are wrong! During summer the extra intake may be suggested! How is that possible?
✘ Are you working indoor?
✘ Do you have sun allergy?
✘ Do you have risky birthmarks?
✘ Are you sunbathing only during holiday or vacation?
✘ Are you protecting your skin with sun cream during sunbathing?
Do you have at least 1 „YES” answer? It is time to think about your extra vitamin D intake, also summer time!
For Vegetarians
Most of the plants are usually containing the D2 (ergocalciferol) form of vitamin D. D3 cholecalciferol, the most active form of vitamin D which elevates better the vitamin D levels of blood than D2. D3 vitamin is found only in animal foods.
For Sun Lovers
A sunscreen with SPF 8 blocks your ability to synthesize vitamin D by 92.5%, SPF 15 blocks nearly 99%! Safe sunbathing is only before 11 and after 15 o’clock! Vitamin D synthesized from sunlight is not accumulating in your body, you can not ”charge” yourself for the next week or for all year in one day!
For Solarium Fans
Most of the solarium are making only UVA rays, which are not suitable for producing vitamin D. The risks of using solarium (skin cancer, infections, eye damage) are much higher than the expected good result.
Based on all these information, do not be surprised that 70% of people has vitamin D deficiency!
Check our products
Supplements with vitamin D3
Scientific sources:
Bischoff HA., Stahelin HB., Dick W., Akos R., Knecht M., Salis C., Nebiker M., Theiler R., Pfeifer M., Bergow B., Lew RA., Conzelmann M., Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on Falls: a randomized controlled trial, J.Bone Miner. Res. 2003.
Cannell JJ., Vieth R., Umhau JC. i wsp., Epidemic influenza and vitamin D, Epidemiol Infect, 2006.
Dawnson-Hughes B., Harris SS., Krall EA., Dallal GE., Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on bone density in men and women 65 years of age or older, New Eng. J. Med., 1997.
Hugh L., Single M., Kishbaugh RM., Buchwald M., Skeletal system and joint health [w:] Marian MJ., Willams-Mullen P., Bowers JM. (ed.), Integrating therapeutic and complementary nutrition, Taylor and Francis, New York 2007.
Hypponen E., Laara E., Reunanen A., Jarvelin MR., Virtanen SM., Intake of vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study, Lancet 2001.
Institute of Medicine, Dietary references intakes for calcium ad vitamin D. Food and Nutrition Board, Nat Acad Press, Washington 2011.