Skeletal problems characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density and disturbed bone microarchitecture are not only a concern of postmenopausal women. It also affects men and young people more and more often. It manifests itself at the most unexpected moment, when the bone mass is significantly weakened and the risk of fractures is many times increased. Therefore, bone health should be taken care of throughout life, including through the proper supply of calcium.
99% of calcium is found in bones and teeth, therefore it is essential to maintain their proper structure. It has a positive effect on the excitability of nerve and muscle cells, and is involved in the blood clotting process. It has anti-swelling, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. It activates many enzymes and supports energy metabolism. When the body is deficient in calcium, bones lose their resistance to injury and the risk of fractures and the development of osteoporosis increases. Moreover, caries and rickets may appear.